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Understanding DMARC: How to Protect Your Business from Domain Spoofing

Understanding DMARC: How to Protect Your Business from Domain Spoofing

Businesses rely on email communication with no indication that will change. In fact, in 8/10 companies, email communication continues to rise, despite the proliferation of messaging apps like Slack.  

In the third quarter of 2022 alone, over a million phishing attempts were recorded setting a new record high. With sensitive information being shared through email and email-based security threats on the rise, it’s important to ensure the security of these communications. Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance, or DMARC, can help provide that vital security.  

What is DMARC? 

DMARC is a security protocol that can be enabled on your company domain to help reduce the risks associated with unauthorised usage of your domain (spoofing). This is where an attacker impersonates a known business with a fake domain to fool people into trusting them. 

How does it work? 

DMARC determines whether an email is authentic or not by ensuring the message is from an authorised source rather than a spoofed or fraudulent account and provides a reporting mechanism for email senders to monitor the status of their emails. It works by applying two authentication protocols to each email: SPF and DKIM.  

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) 

SPF verifies the sender's domain name against a list of authorised IP addresses that are allowed to send emails on behalf of that domain. SPF ensures that emails are not spoofed or forged. 

Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) 

DKIM uses digital signatures to verify the authenticity of an email message. DKIM adds a digital signature to the header of an email message that verifies the sender's domain name and ensures that the message has not been tampered with during transmission. 

Why is it important? 

97% of businesses have been targeted by email-based phishing attacks with 90% of corporate security breaches resulting from phishing. In the face of these rising threats, DMARC is increasingly required in modern cyber insurance policies. By implementing DMARC, companies will be adhering to modern security standards and significantly reducing the number of phishing emails that reach the inbox of employees. 

Benefits of DMARC 

  1. Improved email security - Provides a more secure email experience by thoroughly authenticating each email source 
  2. Reduced spam - Reduces the amount of unsolicited/untrusted emails landing directly in your employees’ inboxes 
  3. Heightened protection against cyber attack - By quarantining or rejecting suspicious emails, employees are less likely to open malicious emails and click on malicious links
  4. Enhanced brand protection - Reduce the risk of fraudulent emails being sent from or unauthorised usage of your company domain (spoofing) 
  5. Increased trust between DMARC-enabled domains - If your email is trusted within your network of contacts, your emails are more likely to reach the intended recipients


In 2023, cybercrime is expected to cost the world a whopping $8 trillion (about £95,000 per person in the UK). Stay ahead of the game by implementing security measures like DMARC and training your personnel on what to look for with these types of attacks. 

DMARC protects companies from the increasing threat of sophisticated cyber attacks through email by improving email security, reducing spam, enhancing brand protection, ensuring compliance with industry standards, and increasing trust between DMARC-enabled domains.

Wicresoft’s experts will work in partnership with the key stakeholders in your organisation to help identify the principal areas of risk and recommend how to plan for and address those areas. Contact us today to learn how Wicresoft can help you reach the next level of cyber security.