IT and cyber security blog

Embracing Modernisation: The Importance of Upgrading SharePoint Servers for Cyber Security

Written by by Wicresoft | May 02, 2024

Organisations often struggle to keep up with the fast rate of technological change, but EOL announcements usually come with some warning, giving a vital opportunity for action that businesses should take advantage of as soon as possible. The approaching end-of-life (EOL) status of older technologies like Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013, which reached EOL on 11 April 2023, and the upcoming EOL for SharePoint Server 2016 and 2019 on 14 July 2026, creates significant problems.  

Forward-thinking companies understand the importance of taking proactive steps. They acknowledge the need to confront these challenges head-on, utilising the imminent need for system upgrades to fortify their cybersecurity defences. 

Harnessing Urgency for Cyber Security Transformation 

As it relates to cyber security, prompt action is crucial. Any delay not only impedes technological advancement but also heightens susceptibility to cyber threats. Proactive measures and timely updates are essential in safeguarding vital data from emerging security risks and maintaining operational resilience.  

The risks associated with maintaining outdated technology are substantial: 

Security Vulnerabilities:  Systems without regular updates are prime targets for cyberattacks, leading to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational harm. 

Compliance Challenges: Outdated systems often fall short of meeting new regulations and standards, potentially resulting in legal consequences and penalties. 

 System Downtime:  Older systems are prone to malfunctions, causing expensive downtimes and disrupting business operations. 

Data Loss:  Inadequate data protection measures in outdated systems can lead to irreversible data loss, affecting business continuity. 

Competitive Disadvantage: In a landscape where technological agility equals a competitive advantage, reliance on outdated systems can significantly hinder a company's competitiveness. 

These considerations extend to SharePoint on-premises and other outdated technology infrastructures. It is imperative to address these issues. 


Pioneering Cyber security Modernisation with Wicresoft IT Services 

At Wicresoft IT Services, we are committed to aiding businesses in navigating the complexities of cyber security enhancement. By transitioning to more secure, cutting-edge solutions, organisations can not only mitigate risks but also improve operational efficiency and collaboration. 


Strategic Planning for Technology Upgrades 

As the EOL dates for SharePoint 2016 and 2019 draw near, strategic planning for the replacement of these outdated technologies is crucial. Our team at Wicresoft excels in guiding clients through essential steps to ensure they are adequately shielded against the latest threats. We assist in identifying optimal replacement technologies and implementing them with minimal disruption to operations. 


In many cases, we recommend SharePoint Online as an alternative to SharePoint On-premises. Our primary focus is on supportability and security, but we also recognise the importance of sustainable recommendations that bring benefits such as increased productivity, cost-effectiveness, and long-term flexibility. 


Robust Security and Compliance 

SharePoint Online is fortified with Microsoft's extensive security features, ensuring your data is protected with the latest security protocols and updates. This proactive approach to cybersecurity ensures compliance with evolving regulatory standards. For organisations with particular security needs, SharePoint Online facilitates hybrid deployments, allowing sensitive data to remain on-premises while taking advantage of the cloud's scalability and accessibility for other data. 


Scalability and Flexibility 

SharePoint Online is built to evolve alongside your business, offering the capability to enhance its functions in alignment with your changing needs without substantial investments in physical infrastructure. This scalability ensures that as your organisation expands, your data management and collaboration tools can adapt smoothly, meeting increased demands with efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 


Embracing Modernisation with Confidence 

Enhancing cybersecurity measures is made simple with expert guidance from Wicresoft. By leveraging strategic planning and profound industry insights, businesses can seamlessly transition to robust security systems. Our tailored solutions are designed to align with your business goals, ensuring smooth integration and minimal disruption. 


Seizing the Moment with Purposeful Urgency 

The urgent need for cybersecurity enhancements, particularly with the impending EOL for SharePoint Servers 2016 and 2019, underscores the critical nature of proactive measures in today's digital landscape. Companies must act swiftly to protect their operations and retain a competitive edge. With Wicresoft's extensive cybersecurity expertise, your journey towards modernisation is not just clear but also achievable. Embrace the urgency – your business's security and prosperity hinge on it. Contact us today to develop a resilient cybersecurity strategy tailored to your specific requirements.